I’m Still Here

Hi everyone.  Sorry I have been missing the last month or so.  I have had some health issues; nothing very serious, just seemingly non-ending.

Needless to say, I have been focusing the minimum energy that I have on my 3 little rugrats, who, let’s face it, don’t help with my exhaustion but do help with motivating me to keep on trucking.

We’re still having fun when we can and loving life as it comes along and I hope to be back to regular posts very soon!  For now, I will leave you with a view of why I still choose to embrace the insanity of motherhood. 🙂


these little hoodlums drive me crazy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way….unless it involved more naps….

Fun Friday – Field Trips!

I have been on two field trips in the last week; one with Big Brother to a local nursery because he has been learning about plants, and one with The Princess to our local natural habitat zoo because she has been learning about animals.

I tried to snap a few pictures of the kids and their friends learning in the fun settings, but I also let them take charge of the camera at times so that they could practice their photography skills.  They were both very proud of their photos so I thought I would share some. 🙂

First, Tallahassee Nurseries with 3rd graders:


the beautiful gazebo with wind chimes


getting beans to plant


a banana plant in full bloom


someone found a cicada skeleton


the dragon in the pond


pollinating bees


gigantic sword beans (they were over a foot long)


class portrait

And now, the Tallahassee Museum with 1st graders:


black bear going for a swim


Florida panther hanging out in a tree




wild turkeys


vultures – yuck


bald eagle


finally brave enough to touch a snake


watching turtles “running” over to eat




that’s my girl in the front row with a disgusted look on her face…she was not that excited about being so close to a baby alligator


here’s a shot of my girl (in pig tails) waiting for the hand sanitizer…she touched the alligator so quickly, the camera missed it.


class shot

Happy Birthday Old Man

Today my oldest turned 8.  It hardly seems like it has been that long, but here we are.   He changed my world when he entered my life and there has never been a dull moment since.  Happy Birthday, Kiddo.  Thanks for letting me be your Mom.  I love you.

baby mikey

the bib says it all


self-portrait taken last week

Wordless Wednesday – Twin Day

It's homecoming week at school so for twin day, the kids dressed up as Jaguar fans since my hometown is Jacksonville and they both had the outfits already.  Hopefully this will bring some luck to the team because this season has been quite disappointing thus far.  (Please forgive the quality because I had to take the picture with my crappy phone due to dead camera battery.)

It’s homecoming week at school so for twin day, the kids dressed up as Jaguar fans since my hometown is Jacksonville and they both had the outfits already. Hopefully this will bring some luck to the team because this season has been quite disappointing thus far. (Please forgive the quality because I had to take the picture with my crappy phone due to dead camera battery – Big Brother’s shirt is actually black, sigh.)

Ten Thoughts Tuesday


Since I am obviously not able to keep up with my blogging these days, here’s a few of the thoughts going through my head this week:

1.  It’s Tuesday – that’s not nearly close enough to Friday.

2. Big Brother will be having his 8th birthday party on Saturday and I am praying that it goes well and he has a great time with his friends.

3. The first school project of the year has been assigned and it is a diorama of an animal’s habitat for Science class.  Big Brother chose the camel as his animal.  Do you have any idea how boring the landscape is for a Middle Eastern desert?! Beige, beige, and more beige.

4. Tomorrow I get to help chaperone the first field trip of the year.  It is at a nursery (the plant kind, not the baby kind) so it could be interesting, assuming the love bugs stay away.

5. Speaking of love bugs, I am so OVER Florida love bug season.  I don’t mind the occasional mating bugs flying around, but they have been EVERYWHERE lately and in droves!  The Princess is not a fan and is overly dramatic (shocking, right?).  Her screams regarding love bugs are enough to push me over the edge.

6. Big Trouble is obsessed with PRETENDING to go potty (not sure if this is better or worse than him saying he is scared to go).  He will literally sit/stand on/by the toilet for half an hour until I finally make him leave the bathroom and then he will promptly pee in the new clean diaper (or on the floor) the minute we exit the proper area.  Same old, same old.

7.  I helped a young mom out in Target this week when she spilled her coffee all over her cart only to have her 3 year old yell out “Mom, you made a mess!”.  I have totally been that mom on numerous occasions and this happened during one of the few times I have ever been to Target sans ANY of my kids so I helped her transfer her goodies into my empty cart before they got ruined and I found someone who had a wet floor sign because she didn’t want to just leave the mess on the floor.  She smiled that grateful (and tired) smile of a Mom who knows when someone isn’t judging, only sympathizing from experience.   You don’t find that much anymore (believe me, I have learned this with Big Trouble) so it made me feel good to offer any assistance that I could.

8. I took Big Trouble grocery shopping this morning after I dropped the big kids off at school.  He was incredibly well behaved, mostly because he kept taking everything out of the basket part of the cart and trying to stack it up in the seat next to him; and he said good morning to nearly everyone we saw.  Surprisingly, he didn’t break anything and we only had a tiny milk leak when he roughly tossed the milk up onto the conveyor belt.  I couldn’t believe he was strong enough to lift the milk!  I wish he could always be so helpful and happy.

9. Big Trouble’s preschool has a “cooking” center where the kids get to help make their snack once a week.  The first week, he kept coming home and talking about “the butters”.  I knew there had to be more to the snack than the butters but he couldn’t quite explain it.  I finally remembered to ask his teacher and she said they had made toast and used cookie cutters to cut shapes out of it and then put butter on it.  That made much more sense, but I love that he keeps saying butterS.  Kind of cute.  Clearly, he is having a blast at school and not missing me at all.

10.  I signed up to volunteer in the Princess’ class on Monday mornings to help the teacher with the homework folders.  It doesn’t take long and I am happy to do it.  It kind of makes me sad though because you can tell which kids have helpful parents and which are really struggling.  That has to be tough for the teacher too.

Embarrassing Kid Moment #247,023

child commentsThe following event occurred yesterday morning whilst I was in the store grabbing a pack of diapers for Big Trouble (who is obviously still determined to break me in the potty training department since we were getting yet another pack of diapers, not underwear).

The Setting:

Big Trouble was being quite the little gentleman and this trip to the store had me beaming at the people passing by as I showed off how well my little boy was behaving.  Yep; pat on the back for being an awesome mom;  isn’t he just the cutest little thing?!  I made him.

The Incident:

Then he opened his mouth and SHOUTED a question that no one ever wants to be asked loudly in public:  “MOM, DO YOU NEED TO POOP IN THE POTTY?”

Shh!  No honey, Mommy’s just fine right now, thank you.

He wasn’t satisfied so there was a follow-up question:  “NEED TO PEE-PEE?”  (people are now staring and snickering)

No baby, Mommy already went to the potty.  Do you need to go?


Good Lord, NO!  There are no bodily functions going on right now so please stop shouting!


Oh my Lord, please just come with me to the self-checkout so I don’t have to face a real cashier!…..

End of Scene.

Needless to say, I was quite embarrassed by this happy outburst.  I assume it was payback for my constant barrage of questions concerning his potty training process and lack of progress, but who can say?

I know I can’t be the only one with crazy kids who say things like this, right?!

Turns out, I’m not.  So, here’s a few more fun things that other kids have said!  I would love to hear your stories, too!  Misery loves company! 🙂

Fun Friday: Personality Doppelgangers

DopplegangerDefinition2_FixedI saw the idea of a personality doppelganger on another blog and I thought it was a cute idea (please forgive me for not knowing the exact name of the blog because I found it by accident and when I tried to get the link, I couldn’t find it again for the life of me!).  The basic concept is to think of a celebrity (or well-known character) whose personality reminds you of your kid(s).  I like the idea of comparing personalities vs. looks because I believe that personality is so much more telling of who a person is!

So, here’s what I came up with for how my precious little ones have developed so far. 🙂

First up: Big Brother.  DSCN3450I have been told several times that because he has a very sophisticated vocabulary for his age and loves learning, he reminds people of Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory.  Now, he’s no Einstein, but I totally get the comparison, especially since he loves to point out when I am being sarcastic (though I’d like to think my boy’s social skills are on a much higher level than Sheldon’s).


Next, The Princess.  DSCN3545Now, you might think that I would compare her to a princess since that’s how I refer to her, but my sweet girl reminds me WAY too much of my little sister (which is scary) who was actually named after the Chipette “Brittany” from the original Alvin and the Chipmunks.  She’s definitely sassy and not one to back down easily.brittchip

And, finally, we have Big Trouble.  DSCN2998My original thought was to post a picture of the Tasmanian Devil from Looney Toons because he is just a mess; but lately, he has been acting more like the Dog from Up.  I find myself saying “focus” a lot these days because he will be talking about something and then stop suddenly and notice something else exciting…and then something else…and something else, etc.  Every time he does this, I immediately want to shout out “SQUIRREL”.upSo, here you have my approximation of my children’s personality doppelgangers.

Does anyone else ever have these kinds of comparisons with their kids? 🙂